Alcohol use disorder Treatment

If you or someone you care about is struggling with an AUD, you will likely benefit from some form of treatment. They will help you learn whether a program offers higher-quality care and is a good fit for your situation. These programs can provide medical and mental health support, counseling, therapy, education, and accountability. Inpatient and outpatient programs are available, and they can be the right first step for many people.

  • The Navigator will steer you toward evidence-based treatment, which applies knowledge gained through decades of carefully designed scientific research.
  • “It was hard for me to fathom that there could be an ‘and,’” she said, meaning that a person could have a good life in many ways and still struggle with drinking.
  • “They’re recognizing that when their loved one is ill, they’re talking to the illness,” he said.
  • The Eastern Plains and Western Slope have significant bare spots with no local treatment programs.

The partners on this project include The Carter Center, The Center for Public Integrity and newsrooms in select states across the country. People starting recovery often still feel shame about their inability to drink moderately, but more and more are opening up about their mental health and addiction struggles, said Tracy, the Denver Alcoholics Anonymous member. Despite the perception that abstinence is the only option for people with an alcohol-use disorder, reducing the amount someone drinks could be a more realistic plan, said Votaw, who studies treatment. Little evidence exists one way or another about whether some people simply can’t drink moderately, or whether everyone could cut back with the right support, she said. Naltrexone reduces cravings for alcohol and the pleasurable effects of drinking.

Get help for alcoholism today.

People often think there are only two places to get help for alcohol problems—Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or residential rehab. There are three things that you can do that will bring the illness under control. These new behaviors may seem unnatural for you at first, but you must do them all. If you leave one of the tools out, your chances of recovery significantly decrease. Many things could contribute to people not getting the care they need, but experts think shame is a significant factor.

Psychotherapy sessions can last for severals weeks or span many months. During psychotherapy, the psychologist and patient develop a relationship on the basis of trust, openness, and confidentiality. The Navigator can help you find some mutual-support groups to consider. You can find more recovery support options from the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s list of online support groups, apps, and podcasts.

Choosing an Alcohol Rehab Treatment Program

See the Navigator’s summary of five signs of quality alcohol treatment. They will help you learn whether a therapist offers higher-quality care and is a good fit for Three Inspirational Recovery Stories your situation. Here’s some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your health care provider or mental health provider.

  • People starting recovery often still feel shame about their inability to drink moderately, but more and more are opening up about their mental health and addiction struggles, said Tracy, the Denver Alcoholics Anonymous member.
  • To date, three medications have been approved by the FDA to help prevent a return to heavy drinking.
  • is a subsidiary of AAC, a nationwide provider of addiction treatment facilities.

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